a small kilometer…

20 Millions Miles To Earth Any movie calling itself 20 Million Miles To Earth is bound to attract attention to its use of numbers. While Venus can be about 20 million miles away, I am pretty sure that any flight from Venus to the Earth is going to take quite a bit more than 20 million miles of flight. Okay, maybe I’m being nick-picky, but ever since my confusion over Solo’s Kessel Run comment 33 years back (since explained), numbers in movies have always concerned me.

But I didn’t get much time to dwell on it, as the Earth-side action starts off quick! When a giant rocketship crashes into the sea near a group of “Sicilian” fishermen, we know that something exciting is about to happen. The fishermen decide to row on home after this turns of events, except for one boat who with the fateful words, “What are we? Children or men of the sea?” row out to the ship. The enormous space ship is close enough to be pretty tempting, after all, even with how terribly fake its crash-landing was. Plus, conveniently, there is a big hole in the ship right at water level.

20 Million Miles To Earth

So in our brave men of the sea go. Inside they find two survivors of the crash who are surprisingly not that alien after all. Well, maybe not surprising as, for such a futuristic ship on the exterior, the interior has the definite feel of a ship from the early 20th century.

The key to this story, though, is what they don’t rescue. A canister from the ship winds up on the shore where the little boy Pepe finds it and hides it away. Pepe is making a rather strange decision here, seemingly brought on by his desire for a cowboy hat from the great country of Texas, but maybe he is just odd as he makes another strange number reference by saying “a small kilometer”, but I digress. Of course little Pepe opens this canister, also implying that he hasn’t seen Return of the Living Dead (making him an odd one many times over) and sells off the gelled glob he find inside to a local traveling zoologist.

20 Million Miles To Earth

What we end up with is a real life creature from Venus! One that is is growing at a phenomenal rate due to Earth’s atmosphere, and, of course, he gets away and then begins the chase!

20 Million Miles To Earth

While this is a Harryhausen classic, the accent here is on Harryhausen, rather than classic. The monster is all right, and the scene where he gives humanity a turn with his art is funny, there just isn’t as much exciting eye candy as in his later features. The high point is that the star of the movie was William Hopper, who I associate so strongly with his Paul Drake role that anytime I see him in anything else it seems noteworthy.

While in a movie like this the lack of scene continuity is a given, I still think that they should have paid a little more attention to the details. For instance, when in discovering that the ship has crash landed, a General points to the Mediterranean and says “20,000 leagues under the sea”. What are we supposed to be thinking he is trying to say? Does he think that the ship landed in the sea, careened through the earth and popped out the other side? Does he have no grasp of what a league is (unlikely for a general, I would hope)? Is he trying to make of show of levity in the face of gravity by implying that they are going to be sailing around the earth under the sea? Does he just like the phrase? Should I just relax?