let’s pretend that we’re nice, now…

Finally breaking through the chains of my hampering spirit, I made it out and Matt and I went to view the shockingly unpopular Land of the Dead! Well, I thought that it was finely entertaining… just a few times did I have to still my judgemetary waves and think, “remember… It’s a modern day mainstream horror movie”. Taken with that kind of thought, it was quite fine. I have also surely decided that I need to get over my aversion to “the mall” aspect and I should look up Dawn of the Dead for some viewing pleasure.

Of course, most of the previews looked like more of the same swill…. without Zombies or John Leguizamo… So why bother? The motorcross movie looked downright plain ol’ dumb. One of those, “is this a joke?” previews. Like I imagine that Biker Boyz must have had.

Past all of that though? I’m heading on up to the Hedge House for some good ol’ Friday night relaxation with Cait & Paul & Robin and I am still thinking of finding a theater with Old Boy… One of these days.

One Response to “let’s pretend that we’re nice, now…”

  1. cait on July 2, 2005 22:14

    I’ll go anywhere with you!