…young man? no…

Yes, another busy evening to round up a quiet viewing week… But first things first! Matt and I watched Oldboy. I must say, it seemed different than I expected, yet better. I don’t really have any complaints. It was well done, well acted, well shot. Less violent than I had anticipated, but good looking violence! Though I would still recommended Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, this was a much stronger film, so I would not recommended seeing Oldboy first. The progression leads me towards anticipation for Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
In the grand disappointment field, we rented (well, I should keep all of the blame myself), The Knack… and How to Get It. I thought, “A wacky 1960’s Black and White BritHip comedy from the man who brought us A Hard Days Night, how could we go wrong?” Well, wrong we went. I don’t know if it was his attempt at Experimental Film, but it was just all wrong. And boring to boot! Such fun potential it had… Anyway, we couldn’t finish it. Also, the HPL Film Festival is this weekend. I was soo sure I was going, especially since I’ve missed the two previous years but…

Catie and I got the Six Feet Under 5th Season on DVD and we’ve been burning through those! We watched the last 7 episodes last night after work. I wasn’t as excited by the last episode as everyone seemed to be, but it was a good season, though some of the plotlines seemed to move along too quickly. All in all, I would have to say that though The Sopranos is my favorite series, Six Feet Under is just the stronger show. No badly done episodes, no badly done seasons. It’s just all soo good.

On other subjects though, I’ve been trying out some of these podcasts. I kinda like Cine-schlock-a-rama, I read the website anyway but it’s fun to hear the guy. So much appreciation of all the right things. I also downloaded Ebert and Roper. I swear, Roper is just another one like Siskel. Seemingly no love for movies, just critiques about the technique or whatever. I guess it’s like good cop bad cop, but I never could stand Siskels weak whiny complaints about movies and I can’t stand Roper’s either. I like my movie critics to be fans, first and foremost.