man on a modase

So a little action today. Matt made some Sloppy Joes from a Fantastic Foods mix that was quite tasty, which we followed up with some ice cream. Quite a winning match. Also, I watched some of The Oblong Box, it was nice to do a bit of reliving of my old “Vincent Price everyday” phase. I didn’t get too far into it (Bambi awaited, afterall) but it did bring to mind that I should re-watch some of these (especially Scream & Scream Again) and it also served to remind us all that my excuse of, “I’ve seen The Omega Man” doesn’t hold much water with Matt & Brooke who keep it fresh in my mind that I really need to see The Last Man on Earth! Well, one day soon…

Also I finished The Singing Detective! I liked it, though as I started the last episode it occurred to me that I was ready for it to be over. 7 hours was enough, you know? Anyway, the soundtrack was really quite quite good.

Speaking of things that I must get, I stumbled upon a website tonight, Kyonsi Online, which brought into my sphere a couple of new movies for my wishlist: Kibakichi and Japanese Hell… I also discovered the news that Unearthed has plans to release Electric Dragon domestically. Very good news, I would say.