stuffing and the clay

Okay. So the root canal wasn’t quite the horror that I had anticipated. A little pricey but when you only get around to the dentist every decade or so, I figure you should be allowed to splurge a bit. Anyway, I was only away from work for a hour and a half and I feel fine. Yes, who knows what the weekend may hold but I think I feel okay about it and glad that I didn’t opt for extraction.

In other news, at work I oggled a 1st Edition of Dagon which I think I may pick up for a bargain price and I grabbed the old Video Watchdog… Later, at home, spurred on by Simon Pegg on the cover of VW119 I watched some of 28 Days Later (you make the connection) and then some Singing Detective (rented, since there was still no Sopranos to be had).